to drawing.
Assignment #1 Write up
As far as postproduction, I edited the piece with after effects, a program I had never used before and just learned as I went along. I flipped through each individual clip (there ended up being about 20 of them) and found certain images that I found successful, after which finding a logical way to sequence them, and tried to create a story from there. In the end, It seems that each character has a certain story behind them. The white phantom and the other hooded apparition play a game, the phantom searching for knowledge, while the hooded apparition delves deeply in his mind, inevitably loosing control. The game they play is that of power. Introvert vs. Extrovert. The gypsy character sits back and tells the fortune (or misfortune) of each player. Lastly, the Christ figure (or anti) haunts the White phantom as he treks toward cognitive progression. In the end, they take their moves (in the game of chess); and let the world fall around them, going back to the beginning ( looking inside themselves for what it is they seek) and experience spiritual bliss.
The music was a last minute decision. I was inspired Kenneth Anger, in his utilization pop music of the 60’s as the soundtrack to somewhat cult like occurrences. I thought it would be an uncomfortable contrast in the mind of the viewer, possibly making them uneasy. I feel like it throws more and more emotions at them that way. I also did a version with the sound reversed with delay on it, I feel this is probably more fitting, but I think I am happier with the musical version. Hopefully, they won’t know what to feel. Though, I’m not sure if I think the music was a COMPLETE success. If I had more time to work on it, I’m certain I could arrange it more successfully.